Project Section

dagkand - Portfolio page

A personal portfolio built with Next.js, React, and Tailwind CSS. Showcases my projects, blogs, and skills in web development and cybersecurity.

Technologies: Next.js, React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Domainhosting, Vercel
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NutriGenie - Calorie and Macro Calculator

Built with React and TypeScript, NutriGenie helps users calculate their daily calorie needs and determine the ideal macronutrient distribution based on their goals—weight loss, maintenance, or bulking.

Technologies: React, TypeScript
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Secure File Encryption Tool

Developed a tool to encrypt and decrypt sensitive files using AES and RSA encryption algorithms. Focused on making it user-friendly while maintaining high security standards.

Technologies: AES, RSA, Python
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Made a simple x64 Linux distro with Buildroot

Used the Buildroot tool to create a lightweight, customized x64 Linux distribution. Taking advantage of creating a highly specialized distro for certain usecases.

Technologies: Buildroot, Linux
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Keylogger and Keylogging Detector

Developed a simple keylogger using pynput that runs in the terminal. Additionally, created a keylogging detector that scans running processes for specific keywords, allowing users to identify potential keyloggers or other malicious processes.

Technologies: Python, pynput
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Car Detection Python Script

This project implements car detection using the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) feature extraction method combined with a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. The approach is based on classical computer vision techniques, making it efficient for real-time detection without requiring deep learning models.

Technologies: Python, OpenCV, Scikit-Learn, HOG, SVM
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